Travel Recommendations
7 ways to keep fees from busting your travel budget
Booking fees. Baggage fees. Hotel fees. Resort fees. Car rental fees. Museum fees. Taxes and surcharges. The list of...
5 min read
Travel Recommendations
8 things to do in Singapore in 8 hours
If you’ve traveled in South and Southeast Asia at all, you’ve more than likely spent some time in the...
6 min read
Travel Recommendations
83 thoughts you have when landing in Davao
Davao (pronounced as da-vow) is the bustling regional center of southern Philippines. But, before you christen the city as...
4 min read
Travel Recommendations
Chinese New Year festivals by the five human senses
Chinese New Year (or Lunar New Year) is just around the bend. The festival is celebrated at the turn...
4 min read
Travel Recommendations
QUIZ: Where in the US should you travel?
The United States is the ultimate travel destination for a lot of people, especially Filipinos. But, with its 50...
1 min read
Travel Recommendations
QUIZ: Guess the country from its outline
How much of a geography geek are you really? Do you know your Austria from your Australia just by looking at their...
1 min read