Travel is often a rewarding experience, and jumping on an airplane headed to an exciting destination never gets old. But the in-flight experience you have on the way to that destination is dependent on a variety of factors, things like where you’re seated, who you’re next to, what time you’re flying, where you’re flying to, the length of your flight, how long you spent in the security line before you ended up in your seat, and whether you’re traveling for pleasure or something obligatory (read: not fun).

With that in mind, how do your opinions on the in-flight experience stack up against other travelers? Do you forge your own flight path or travel with the pack? See where your ideas fall on the flying scale with this in-flight travel edition of would you rather. And if one of the things you’d rather do is book a cheap flight than an expensive one, head over to to start your flight search.

If this quiz has you in the mood to hop on a flight, head over to to start your search. What’s the best “would you rather: in-flight edition” question you can think of? Let us know in the comments below.

About the author

Jessica PadykulaJessica Padykula is a Toronto-based writer and editor who regularly covers travel and lifestyle trends. When she’s not writing or researching a story she can be found planning trips to places near and far in a never-ending quest to travel the world.

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